Mars Turns Direct January 12 

Mars in Gemini is a weird transit, at least to me. Mars is the planet of action and passion. Gemini is a mutable air sign that loves communication and thinking, as it’s ruled by Mercury. However, there’s a need for constant activity and keeping things light. Depending on which house Gemini rules in your chart, you can switch tasks often and getting bored easily in that area. For example, Gemini rules my second house. Having multiple streams of income comes natural for me. Even if I don’t get paid for my work, I am constantly juggling multiple projects that I treat as a job. Either I don’t stay long in one job, or I have a job with many tasks I can switch between. I get bored easily if I don’t have enough to do. This is probably why most of my paying jobs have been in retail, which is ever-changing. 

Mars in this sign increases that erratic energy but this means we also get tired easily. If we don’t have enough to do, we get bored. This transit is about diversifying our interests and being flexible. However, there’s a lack of focus, which is personally hard for me. My natal Mars is in Capricorn, an exalted position for the planet. In Capricorn, Mars is laser-focused and hardworking. I can work on one project for hours, losing track of time and not being satisfied until I’m done or at a sufficient stopping point. So Mars in Gemini feels like the opposite of that, although I’m dreading Mars going to Cancer, which is opposite Capricorn. 

And then there’s the aspect of it being in retrograde since October. I’ve heard many people say they’ve been exhausted, unfocused, and just feeling rather scattered and restless more than usual. That’s Mars in retrograde in Gemini. I’ve been feeling exhausted and easily bored. Sometimes I can focus on my writing for a while, other times I feel unmotivated until I switch to something else. One day I’ll have a plan for a post, only to drag around finishing or putting it off in favor of a different idea. As of this writing, Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn, which has slowed down my writing even more. 

Thankfully, Mars is going direct this weekend, which will hopefully be a reprieve for most of us. We have felt confused and mentally sluggish for some time. This has been a period of uncertainty and slow action. Now that passion that we’ve felt was missing will return. Since Mars was in retrograde for almost all of Gemini, it will travel in its retrograde shadow. Meaning we may not feel this swift action all of a sudden. But more of a slow turn to normalcy. But it will be a time to re-engage with our passions and feel re-energized. And for some of us, this may still be a wonky transit for us until Mars transits to a better placement within our chart. If this is the case, take your time and pay attention. This tension won’t last forever. 

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