
  • My Saturn Return

    Saturn is the planet of authority, order, and maturity. It forces us to take a sober look at the world and take responsibility for our actions. However, this can sometimes result in placing intense restrictions on our life, which doesn’t aid in growth but keeps us stagnant out of fear. A Saturn return happens every 29.5 years. It is a moment where we’ll take stock of our lives and the trajectory we’ll want to take. I will say, many people can confuse this with our progressed lunar return, which happens every 28 years. But that’s a post for another time. 

  • My Jupiter Return

    Jupiter is the planet of expansion. Good luck and optimism are also associated with it. Our Jupiter return happens roughly every 12 years, since Jupiter spends about a year in each sign. During our return, we take a deeper look at ourselves, especially the area in the return chart. You’ll feel urged to make a drastic change in that area. Or you may feel a sort of reckoning and transformation coming on. You’ll feel these urges during the first year of your return. Subsequent years will have a more subtle influence until your next return. One thing to remember is a Jupiter return is a positive and fortuitous one, instead of the complicated Saturn return, which I’ll explain in the next post. For now, let’s look at my last Jupiter return as an example. 

  • Mars Return

    Mars is the planet of passion and energy. It represents our sense of motivation in life and with our goals. The natal placement of this shows how we assert ourselves in the world but also how we deal with anger and aggression. When we have a Mars return, it’s almost a rebirth of our passion and motivation in life. Our goals may change slightly and we may be more motivated in one area of life over another. Just like with the other planetary returns, these influences on your return chart are subtle additions to your natal chart. Mars takes about 2.5 years to circle the zodiac, therefore your Mars return will last approximately 2.5 years until the next one. 

    To continue this series, I’ll use my chart as an example. I had my latest Mars Return in early 2022. Here’s how that energy has shown in my life so far: 

  • Venus Return 2023

    Next up on this series of planetary returns is Venus. This is the planet of pleasure, love, and what we deem as valuable to our life. When we have a Venus return, it’s like a yearly reset for our love life and pleasurable pursuits. The return chart for the year may point to what you’ll be focused on in terms of love for that year, which could be relationship issues, the start of a relationship, or even a focus on self-love. It can point to how we’ll view our friendships and express ourselves in creative ways. As with all planetary returns, your natal chart shows the foundational influences. The influences of a return chart add to it. 

  • Mercury Return 2023

    Last week, I wrote about solar returns and compared my solar return chart to my natal chart. This time I want to look at Mercury, another planet that takes a yearly return around the zodiac just like the sun. Since Mercury is never more than two signs away from the sun, you can expect to have one around a month before or after your birthday. Fun fact about my Mercury return is that it was during a Mercury retrograde. The transit planet crossed over my natal Mercury placement three times. I definitely felt that my life was forcing me to slow down and the whole season of Capricorn was very wonky for me. I felt exhausted, uncertain, and like I couldn’t make any leeway with my projects. But things are becoming clearer now that Mercury is direct and over the retrograde shadow. 

  • Solar Return 2023

    Every week, I look at the planetary transits just to see what’s coming within the week. Most people who study astrology are familiar of these. It’s what most astrology publications look at, and how we predict horoscopes. But one thing that I’ve found fascinating recently is return charts. This is when a transit planet lines up with the same planet in your natal chart. For example, the moon takes about a month to circle the zodiac, and the Sun takes about one year. Therefore, everyone has a lunar return once a month and a solar return once a year. Saturn takes roughly 30 years to circle the zodiac. I had my first Saturn return a couple of years ago, which means I’ve gone through all the planetary returns that a human will go through for the first time, minus Uranus.  

  • Modalities and Elements

    When you study the zodiac signs, something that comes up will be the element and modality of each sign. These represent the type of energy each sign encompasses as the planets travel through them. Aries is a cardinal fire sign, Taurus is a fixed earth sign. These two concepts make each sign clearer to understand. Especially if you’re like me and understand some signs clearly (Capricorn) and other signs feel murky to you (Virgo). But what do these mean? After doing some research, here is what I found. 

  • Revisiting Jupiter in Aries

    I recently blogged about Jupiter entering Aries last month. I also mentioned how I began my research into astrology when it first entered Aries in May 2022. It then retrograded into Pisces. Now it’s moving forward and I’ve felt a greater urge to continue my education with astrology and other mystical mediums. One being tarot cards. 

  • Mercury turns direct January 18

    Christmas and New Year’s felt wonky to many people this year. Mars and Mercury were in retrograde, meaning that our energy and communication skills were flagging a bit. But now both planets are moving forward again. So it may feel like a delayed start to the new year, but with a renewed vision and vigor. Anytime a planet goes into retrograde, it’s a time for us to reflect and re-assess areas of our life. For Mars, it was our energy and passion based on where Gemini was is in your chart. For Mercury, this is our communication and travel plans based on where Capricorn is in your chart. And since Capricorn is the sign of planning and long-term goals, having Mercury spin backwards can make us second guess our plans and achievements. Hence why it was probably wise not to set New Year’s resolutions just yet. It was better to reflect on the new year and pay attention to how we talk to one another and what has been on our mind lately. Again, that sense of reflection and introspection that retrogrades urge us to do. 

  • Pluto: From Capricorn to Aquarius

    I’m currently researching return charts and I recently had my Venus Return for the year. I’ve learned that when a planet returns to its natal position in a chart, there can be a subtle change in our expression of that planet’s energy. However, I wanted to start with the outer planets before going deeper into this aspect. 

    Most people will witness a return of all of their natal planets expect for the three outermost planets. The orbits of Pluto and Neptune are too long for a human to witness. However, Uranus is in a gray area because its complete orbit through the zodiac is about every 84 years. So definitely a once-in-a-lifetime event for those who live long enough to experience it. 

    I think with these outer planets, it’s best to look at historical events during the last time these planets were in their respective signs as of January 2023: Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and Uranus in Taurus. For this blog post, I want to start with Pluto. This will also give us clues to how Pluto in Aquarius may look like.  

    Pluto in Capricorn

    Pluto is the planet of transformation and rebirth. It’s actually one of my favorite planets to study in astrology. I’ll do another post of Pluto traveling through the houses on a transit and natal chart, but for this post I want to focus on where Pluto is during this writing and what it might mean for Pluto going to Aquarius in 2024 (it will dip into the sign in 2023, but will retrograde back to Capricorn shortly after. So we’ll only get a taste before we feel the full force a year later). 

    Pluto first entered the sign of Capricorn back in 2008. But I think it’s more helpful to understand its effect by looking at the last time it entered this sign. Now Pluto takes over 200 years to circle the zodiac, meaning it spends many years in one sign, even longer due to retrogrades. Because of this very slow transit, it affects us on a societal level rather than simply personal like the sun. That’s why its effects can be seen on a more broad level of reconstruction within society while also highlighting the shadow side of humanity. Pluto asks us to dig deep and transform areas of our lives, or be forced to rally against the change, which only leads to more anguish and depression. Change is inevitable. The only course to take is to adapt. 

    Pluto in Capricorn represents restructure in government and authoritative structures. This can represent a transformation in religion, finance, political and legal systems, any area in which there is a hierarchy ruling over an area of life. Think preachers, presidents, and powerful companies. We’ve seen this happen with the pandemic that forced governments to shut down and restructure their infrastructure to accommodate the health of its citizens. We’ve seen people break away from organized religion to discover their own means of spirituality. I’ve seen people on social media uncover dark truth and hidden secrets in our government and political leaders. People have quit their jobs (the Great Resignation of 2021, as many business and economic publications called it) in order to seek better employment and career opportunities. This was a transformation in societal and economic structures, which I believe will solidify when Pluto enters the innovative sign of Aquarius. 

    But let’s go back to 1762, when Pluto was last in Capricorn. Its transit continued until 1778, when it entered Aquarius. This article lists out some events that represented this energy. During that time, the US broke away from the restrictive control of Great Britain, leading to the nation being independent. Great Britain was the most powerful country, taking control of India and having a powerful influence over Spain as well. But it lost much of that influence, power, and financial control during Pluto’s transit into Capricorn. It’s important to note that this transformation of the US also forced immense transformation for the native Americans as well, as these foreigners transformed the country into their own version of a free nation with little consideration of the natives already here. Since this happened in 1776, you could say the internal transformation of the country is more of an Aquarius influence, starting from scratch and innovation. 

    The thing is, we can see history repeating itself as the US waged war in the Middle East and then scurried to try and find a source for more oil. This blog post by mystic writer and author Jessica Davidson explains it:  

    The social structures we have built are collapsing because they’re based on values and ideas that no longer work for the mass of humanity.”

     I love this because it accurately describes what Pluto energy is, a reformation on a mass level. Remember this was written in 2017, before Pluto conjunct Saturn in 2020, right when the pandemic exploded globally. Talk about restructuring society on a mass level. She also describes the US as “[becoming] the monster it once despised”. This is regarding how America at the time saw Britain as too controlling and authoritative, and great transformation was needed to gain a sense of freedom. 

    We can say that recently many events have mirrored this sentiment. The pandemic, the Trump presidency, Russia’s war on Ukraine, the Supreme Court’s overturn of abortion rights. It’s harrowing to witness the powerful leaders dig in their heels and try to keep people controlled because of some outdated beliefs and methods. So again, I’m excited to see how some of this becomes rectified next year and then for good in 2024. Keep in mind however that there’s a dark side of Aquarius, which I’ll discuss next. 

    Pluto in Aquarius 

    Pluto will transit to the sign of Aquarius in 2024 and will stay there until roughly 2044 roughly. When we talk about the transition from Capricorn to Aquarius, we see the structures that fell apart being rebuilt in a new and innovative way that better serves the greater whole. Capricorn is about authority, whereas Aquarius is about community development in a way that encourages freedom and individuality. I feel like we’re already seeing these effects as people get more in tuned to their own personal power and not blindly accepting what leaders and authorities tell us to believe. Yes, that means we see the wacky and delusional come out, but it’s not held by these outdated methods and beliefs, but imagination and innovation to counteract the dark secrets that were uncovered with Pluto in Capricorn. Keep in mind that as of this writing, Neptune is in Pisces, which adds another layer to this transit. So, although people are more spiritual and imaginative, we also see these delusions more prominently. I’ll explain more when I write about Neptune. But for now, let’s go back to what happened last time Pluto was in the sign of freedom, technology, and innovation.    

    Pluto was last in Aquarius approximately 1778-1797. This was a period of enlightenment for much of the world. The French Revolution was from 1789 to 1799 and brought radical changes to that society. The relationship between the ruling class and the rest of society was disrupted and resulted in many massacres, including Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI, the last monarchs of France.  

    In America, the industrial revolution took off, a period of innovation and technology. Many philosophy writers came to prominence and there were serious discussion about change from societal norms such as the slave trade. Many colonies abolished slavery, although we wouldn’t see states start make laws against it until the 1880s, when Pluto crossed into Pisces. 

    Now let’s speed up to today. Many astrologers are predicting the same type of radical societal changes indicative of the past. We’ll see reformation of the government and political structures, more so than we have with Pluto in Capricorn. We’ll see more cultural movements for independence, more freedom of expression, and radical ideas in philosophy. Many sites I’ve looked at will say how we’ll collectively grow into our independence and embrace great changes in technology. 

    However, with any of the astrological signs, there is a shadow side. And the shadow side of Aquarius is adopting a hive mind that does more harm than good. People can become so attached to their ideals that they plunge into stubborn delusions, demanding everyone adopt their way of life because it is more enlightened and freeing. I’m thinking of the fat acceptance movement, in which many young people, to break away from harmful and restrictive practices promoted in diet culture, have done a 180 and claimed that being obese is okay. The people of this movement therefore reject any medical advice and scientific studies that prove otherwise. And I believe this is an example that we’ll see. To further break away from the corruption discovered during Pluto in Capricorn, we’ll swing in the opposite direction and adopt views that, while at first feeling liberating, will actually bring about another distortion and more problems. The key is balance, something that many people aren’t the best at. 

    Another hint at Pluto in Aquarius’ energy that I can sense is the discussion around AI (artificial intelligence). I’ve seen increased discussion about the fear of it, how the robots are going to continue stealing our jobs and replacing original intellectual property created by humans, such as artists and writers. Others argue we should embrace the change. I don’t believe that technology will advance so far that robots will become sentient beings or force us to colonize Mars. However, I believe that those who are fearful of AI will be forced to face those fears and adapt. But AI isn’t the answer to our prayers for change and innovation. In some ways, it’s helpful, even if there will be flaws and concerns as with any invention. But I don’t think it’ll take over the world. Us humans again aren’t that accepting of change and when change comes, there’s a lot of panic before real solutions and beneficial discussions take place. But again, this is the energy of Aquarius, with Pluto forcing us to come to terms with our humanity, the ugly as well as the empowering. Sure, the industrial revolution brought many technology changes. But since then we’ve written better workplace laws to curb much of the harrowing and toxic environments that many were forced to work in during the 1880s. 


    As I’ve said, Pluto is about adapting to change. It’s about going through deep transformation and shedding beliefs and ways of life that no longer work for us. It’s about tapping into our own personal power to both weather the storms of society but also carry out the change that we believe society needs. We’ll see what happens as society continues to morph and adapt the new and ever-changing energy of the world.