Mercury turns direct January 18

Christmas and New Year’s felt wonky to many people this year. Mars and Mercury were in retrograde, meaning that our energy and communication skills were flagging a bit. But now both planets are moving forward again. So it may feel like a delayed start to the new year, but with a renewed vision and vigor. Anytime a planet goes into retrograde, it’s a time for us to reflect and re-assess areas of our life. For Mars, it was our energy and passion based on where Gemini was is in your chart. For Mercury, this is our communication and travel plans based on where Capricorn is in your chart. And since Capricorn is the sign of planning and long-term goals, having Mercury spin backwards can make us second guess our plans and achievements. Hence why it was probably wise not to set New Year’s resolutions just yet. It was better to reflect on the new year and pay attention to how we talk to one another and what has been on our mind lately. Again, that sense of reflection and introspection that retrogrades urge us to do. 

Some astrologers caution that the effects of the retrograde will still be felt as the planet travels through its retrograde shadow. Meaning there is still a chance for confusion, misunderstandings, and hiccups with travel plans. Basically, drive carefully, read through all documents closely, and be mindful of what you say. The other person could take it the wrong way. This will affect some more than others as it all depends on what’s in your chart. I have a stellium in Capricorn that Mercury has been traveling through, and thankfully it’s only been minor effects I’ve seen. Small issues with my car, minor issues at work with the equipment I use. Nothing detrimental but still annoying when it pops up. But I will say that my plans for the year continue to evolve. 

Last, in the same day that Mercury turns direct, the Sun will line up with Pluto. These will be in the last degrees of Capricorn, giving us an urge to make powerful changes to our plans for success and achievements. This is always an interesting time for deep reflection and a sense of transformation. Since Pluto is an outer planet, it will be interesting to see what will happen in society that day. Perhaps something big, perhaps something subtle. But there will still be a shared sense to initiate change in a profound way. 

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